Questions? Give us a call (208) 426-9200


SPECIAL: Regenerative Back Pain & Sciatica Treatment

We offer treatments for sciatica, bulging disc, herniated disc and more!

The studies show, patients following our program experience:

  • 97% Sensory Improvement

  • 92% Pain Reduction

  • 90% Balance Improvement

$39 Back Pain Consultation, Exam, X-Ray & Treatment SPECIAL ENDS IN:


Our back pain treatment may end your pain in as little as 6 weeks without side effects or potential dependency on medications.

Chronic back pain isn't something you should have to learn to live with anymore. There is now a better way than relying on harmful drugs or having painful injections. We are pleased to share with you the non-surgical solution for a Herniated Disc, Ruptured Disc, Bulging Disc, Compressed Disc, Sciatica or a Pinched Nerve. Spinal Decompression is a non-invasive and non-surgical treatment.

  • ​Are you missing work due to pain?

  • ​Are you dependent on medications to handle your pain?

  • ​Are you slowed or stopped in daily activities due to your pain?

  • ​Are you contemplating surgery but scared of the outcome?

  • ​Are you worried that your pain is getting worse?

Herniated Discs

Herniated Discs of all kinds can be treated without the use of surgery, whether you have herniated neck disc pain, herniated cervical disc pain, herniated back disc pain or herniated lumbar disc pain.

Ruptured Discs

Ruptured Discs of all kinds can be treated without the use of surgery, whether you have ruptured neck disc pain, ruptured cervical disc pain, ruptured back disc pain or ruptured lumbar disc pain

Pinched Nerves

Whether you have pinched nerves causing neck, cervical, back, lumbar, arm or foot pain, there is a treatment method  that does not require surgery.

To avoid surgery you must take as soon as possible. Click the button below to book your consultation and determine how one of our non-surgical solutions can help relieve your back pain.

My name is Dr. Matt McAlees, DC, DNM, CACCP.
My team of highly skilled healthcare clinicians and I have created a revolutionary treatment program for patients with chronic knee pain using the most advanced non-surgical, drug-free medical technologies available today.
I have treated thousands of patients at my clinic in Charlotte. We use state of the art testing and treatments to help patients to live happy pain-free lives. We hope to help you too!


Studies have shown that our method is more effective in decreasing pain and improving the quality of life than by using conventional methods alone.

Up to 90% Balance and Stability is Improved

Walk and stand with confidence. No more worrying about if you can keep up.

97% Sensory Improvement & Blood Flow

Getting blood directly to inflamed areas is the key to long term healing.

Mobility, Comfort and Better Sleep

Reduce pain and finally get a good night's sleep.

Painful Swelling is Reduced up to 92%

When circulation improves pain and swelling goes down.

Start Getting Results Like These

After 31 visits I am about 90-95% cured!

I feel so much better.


The biggest gain I have experienced is the burning in my feet has improved without relying on drugs.

95 percent improvement with his neuropathy.


What Patients Have Said About Our Care


Insurance Coverage

Spinal Aid and Weight Loss accepts most health insurance providers and insurers do provide benefits for our services, however the level of benefits vary by situation. All benefits are verified and presented to each patient prior to any fee-for-service treatments are rendered to the patient. Given the complexity of privacy laws and varying health insurance plans, benefits are only quoted to patients in-person. 
Our acceptance of plans is no way a guarantee that all services rendered in the office will be covered under your insurance plan. Regretfully, we cannot quote insurance benefits or fees via email or telephone. We will be happy to assist you with the insurance/financial arrangements that best suit your individual needs. 


About Our Treatment Method

Our proprietary and comprehensive treatment program utilizes up 8 different state-of-the-art technologies and is unlike any treatment program you may have already experienced. One of the treatments technologies we use to increase blood flow is our new Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT).
LLLT is one of the most powerful non-surgical lasers on the market today and it gets RESULTS!
The light therapy signals Vasoendothelial Growth (VEGF), which signals the production of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the creation of new blood vessels, which is needed to repair nerve damage.
These blood vessels grow back around the peripheral nerves and provide them with the proper nutrients to heal and repair.
We also use state of the art digital electro therapeutic stimulation to assist in the growth of the nerves called Nerve ReEducation. This is used by the Cancers Centers of America in order to help those going through Chemotherapy rebuild the nerves. Nerve ReEducation can even be done at home, so therapy can be done daily! The results can be immediate in both pain relief and restoration of normal sensation.

Nerve cells need two things to heal...
1) Fuel2) Activation
This makes the combination of high-powered lower level light therapy (FUEL) and Nerve Re-education (ACTIVATION) the perfect 1-2 punch for nerve regeneration!
The amount of treatment needed to allow the nerves to recover varies from person to person and can only be determined after a detailed neurological and vascular evaluation.

As Seen On TV

Find out why Dr. Matthew McAlees’ innovative approach to weight loss is one of the fastest growing programs of its kind.

Tired of fad diets, hunger, deprivation and tedious exercise?

We've had 100s of calls with amazing people like you in the last year. You know you were born to live a dynamic exciting live, but you struggle to with constant fatigue, lack of energy, and aches and pains...
You know you need to lose weight to enjoy your life to the fullest and feel great again. But it's difficult to be active because you are overwhelmed, or don't know where to start.

 Get a step by step plan to scientifically unlock your biological potential.

 Chart your course with a customized plan based on your body's unique needs.

 Learn how to shed unwanted pounds fast, become stronger and more fully balanced. And sustain your weight loss while eating real foods.

420 W. Main St. #206 Boise, Idaho 83702

2122 W Everest Ln Meridian, ID 83646

Keystone Physical Medicine Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved

*Individual results may vary based on an individuals personal health, diet, personal commitment, in adherence to the program. Information provided is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Before starting any program, consult with a health care professional.